Wednesday, May 13, 2015

What if….

There was no crimes

Was peace and no war

No sickness



What If there was no war and live was all peace? Would everyone be happy and the needs and wants not be so much in the culture life? I thinkg if there was al peacde I think there would less violence in our world, there owul dbe a lot more respect for others and people would be more caring to help one anonter instead of acting as if it was a burdon ourt of there dalily routines. There would be no armies that no one would have to fight in a war and have that chanced of dieing and people losing there loved ones. If ther was no war and peace there wouldn’t be child abuse or murdering poieple would be happy about themselves and not have depression. What If there was no war, there would be no gangs well atleast no bad gangs. Isacs wouldn’t be efven known and no worries about looking ove r your back to make sure notyhing bad was coming to get you. Sept 11 wouldn’t hve happned and all those children wouldn’t have had to see and know they was going to die and explode in an airplane. PeaCE why couldn’t it only be peeave and no war? Does our culture crave violence as long as it isn’t halppyeing to them? What if peace was the only thing and no war in the hole world? I think people could live happier and not worry as much as they do today. There would be no honking, no yelling, no fighting, no hurting other people because you are stressed or you don’t like what they are doing. What if there was no war? Families wuooldnt have to be brokien up years at a time yu wouldn’t have to move every three yrs. Countries wouldn’t have to spend money on military ghings they couold use al those billioksn on somethingelse.


No sickness
End to hatred


What if there was no hatred? If theer was no hatred everyone would ove orlike and everyone would feel liked and have friends and no enemies. (theer wuld be no buliies) what if there was an end to hatred the internet wouldn’tahve so many mean things on it. I think there would bel ess sucides. People wouldn’t yell or scream bc that is paert of a hatred thing when you hate the way other people drive or walk in the store.  Hatred is a mean thingk to have to hate something so bad. What if hteer was end to hatred? Everyone would be one race , one income, one family, and be one nation. End to hatred is to love yourself inner self and be happy and not to worry about others and theer hatreds. It is easy to get in to something like the media and hate someone or something because what a another person says on there. You have to respect people and know that everyone makes faults and if htea si the way thiey want to cact so be it let them as long as it isn’t hurting anyone. Hatred does involeve hurting other people because something you hate they might love. Being face forward about your opoinoj people lmight loike it kor they moight niot they might hate youo for that reason. I nkwo a radio person that does and aot of people don’t like her for it. But that is who sihe is and if you dint want the trutgh then you shouldn’t of asked. What if there was end to hatred? Animals, humans, or anthing wouldn’t be hurt then and just loved like they aresurpose to bel ved not betrayed. Hate is a WORD THAT can be a strong hurtful word. Like saying ti to your parents then they aren’t there next day.

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